
Week 10: Green Snake, Due Sunday, June 11th (Open Collaboration)

In this assignment you'll either:

  • Optimize a Forest Flame compiler to improve its runtime and/or code size
  • Fix and extend a previous assignment to demonstrate mastery


If you choose to optimize Forest Flame, you're free to use our starter code, your solution that includes garbage collection, your own compiler, and so on as a starting point.


You'll write a compiler that implements Forest Flame, and we'll run and compare your compiler to our reference compiler on a suite of tests. For each test, we'll check:

  • That the output is exactly the same as for the starter Forest Flame code
  • Whether your optimized version generates an assembly file with fewer instructions than the starter code
  • Whether your optimized version generates the answer in less wall-clock time than the starter code (as measured by time)

We'll make code for timing and testing available in the week of June 5.

In your submission, include a or a README.pdf that describes the optimizations you chose. It's helpful to us if you highlight some programs where your optimizations do especially well.

This assignment is emphatically open to collaboration, feel free to discuss, share ideas and code, etc. On this assignment, if you want to work directly on the same codebase as another student, feel free to do that as well.


Focus on doing cool stuff, and getting some amount of optimization to work. We'll check that your submission can make some programs better in a meaningful way, and you don't break anything in the existing tests.

Submit your code to the green-optimization assignment on Gradescope.

Fix and Extend a Previous Assignment

As another option for this assignment, you can implement one of two extensions to either Diamondback or Egg-Eater. If you choose to do that, we'll apply the grade for this assignment as both the 8th assignment grade and a replacement of your grade for that previous assignment as well.

You can only choose and implement one of these, not both.

Extending Egg-Eater

Write or extend your compiler that implements everything required from Egg-Eater, but also:

  • Implement structural update (like setfst! from class)
  • Implement both structural equality and reference equality (you'll need new concrete syntax for one of them) for the heap-allocated data you designed.
  • Make sure that structural equality and printing heap values doesn't result in an infinite loop, but prints/returns something meaningful when a cycle is reached
  • Write a new test input/equal.snek that demonstrates how structural and reference equality work on non-cyclic values. Make sure to include enough examples, including cases that return true and false, to demonstrate the behavior thoroughly.
  • Write 3 new tests input/cycle-print[1-3].snek that demonstrate how cyclic printing works for three different examples of cyclic values
  • Write 3 new tests input/cycle-equal[1-3].snek that demonstrate how cyclic equality works for three different examples of cyclic values

Also add to your Egg-Eater writeup (with any updates you want to make), the following at the end:

  • A description of your approach to handling structural equality, including relevant snippets of Rust or generated assembly
  • A description of your approach to handling cycles, including relevant snippets of Rust or generated assembly
  • Show each of your required tests' code and output when compiled and run
  • Describe any features other than structural equality and update that you improved since your egg-eater submission
  • A list of resources you used to complete the assignment (other code sources, message board posts, LLMs, stack overflow, etc)

Submit your code to green-egg-eater-code and the writeup to green-egg-eater-written.

Extending Diamondback

Write or extend your compiler that implements everything from Diamondback, but also:

  • Make the calling convention support proper safe-for-space tail calls.
  • Make sure your implementation passes all of the Diamondback tests.
  • Write three new tests input/tail[1-3].snek that demonstrate tail calls; they should include function and calls that produce stack overflows without tail calls, but succeed with them enabled. Include:
    • A test with self recursion only
    • A test with two mutually-recursive functions that tail call one another
    • Another test of your choice that demonstrates tail call behavior

Also create a PDF writeup with the following components:

  • A description of your approach to handling tail calls, including relevant snippets of Rust or generated assembly
  • For one of the tests, a memory diagram showing what the stack looks like right before a tail call happens, what the stack looks like during that call, and what the stack looks like when returning from that call
  • Show each of your required tests' code and output when compiled and run
  • Describe any features other than proper tail calls that you improved since your egg-eater submission
  • A list of resources you used to complete the assignment (other code sources, message board posts, LLMs, stack overflow, etc)

Submit the code to green-diamondback-code and the PDF to green-diamondback-pdf